Requirements for publications

Requirements concerning the enclosed information:
 experts’ decision on public print
 recommendation for publication
 Requirements concerning the deadline for submitting the report:
 20.11
Requirements concerning the content of the report:
 social and political focus
 complex and interdisciplinary character
Requirements concerning the report’ form:
Microsoft Word, A4, font of Times New Roman, interval of 1 pt., paragraph break of 1 cm, margins of 2x2x2x2 cm
Requirements concerning the report’ structure:
Universal Decimal Classification, title, authors, annotation (of 150 to 200 words), key words, the report’s text (comprising of approximately 10 pages), bibliography (of 5 to 15 items)
Requirements concerning the report’ language:
 The report can be presented in any language
 The title, the authors, the annotation (of 150 to 200 words), key words are repeated in Russian, English as well as in the language of an original article
While writing the reports the recommendations of bibliographic database SCOPUS are advised to follow